Upcoming events: Issue #1 – August 2018
Data Overview: The Origin and Destination Survey (DB1B)
The Airline Origin and Destination Survey dataset, also known…
Featured Publication: A study found the negative effect of the competition on price dispersion
In the paper entitled: “Does competition reduce price dispersion? New evidence from the airline industry”, Gerardi and Shapiro, financial economists from the Federal Reserve Bank of Atlanta and the Bureau of Economic Analysis, respectively, investigated how competition affects the dispersion and discrimination of airline prices.
Price dispersion is an economics term that refers to the fluctuation of prices across markets and sellers of identical items. The difference between price discrimination and dispersion is that the former refers to a situation when a single seller charges different customers different prices for an identical product, while the latter involves multiple sellers that charge different prices for the same product.
Farelogix and Florida International University Establish Airline Data Analytics and Decision Sciences Program
Farelogix and Florida International University (FIU) today announced…